About Me

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the big BK, NY, United States
I am an everyday, down to earth individual who enjoys a good laugh and a great debate.I am an Emerging Technology Consultant/Trainer at http://www.futurenetsconsulting.com I am a bookworm, music addict and geek .I enjoy educational TV, Discovery Channel, Nova, Channel 13 and loves AM radio.

Do you think Green IT is needed?

Just Zoning

on Sunday, December 20, 2009

If I could I would........

Make all education  free.

Put an accountability clause on entertainers and mass media.

Pull  all world leaders together and have them live an ordinary life for three years.

Double the salaries of teachers, cops and firefighters

Make it legal to pray in schools.

Take sex out of advertising.

Set up special programs for single mothers.

Implement mandatory maternal leave with one year of full salary.

Make absentee fathers accountable.

Make prayer fashionable.

Make the minimum wage $15.00.

Give more grants to farmers.

Create incentives to revive the moms and pops businesses.

Develop more student exchange programs.

Provide a home , insurance and medical benefits for veterans of foreign wars.

Remove dependency on foreign oil.

Make our education system the best in the world.

Invite God back into the hearts of man.

Bring back candidate Obama.

Give a stimulus package to every American citizen (jobs)

Increase school hours.

Stop destruction of natural resources.

Make the Inuit and Nenet people an endangered specie.

Make child abuse a "punishable by death" offence.



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