About Me

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the big BK, NY, United States
I am an everyday, down to earth individual who enjoys a good laugh and a great debate.I am an Emerging Technology Consultant/Trainer at http://www.futurenetsconsulting.com I am a bookworm, music addict and geek .I enjoy educational TV, Discovery Channel, Nova, Channel 13 and loves AM radio.

Do you think Green IT is needed?

Startups In WLAs are doing it!

on Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Finally some refreshing news in the wireless world. Aerohive, Meru Networks, Aruba Networks, Ruckus Wireless! I've taught WLAN technology for a while. I have met some of the most dedicated professionals in the IT field. I always think about past students like Rocky, Scott, David, Brian, Michael and the many more, too many to mention. Together we brainstormed, debated, shared whitepapers, stumbled through our confusion, but persevered. I've met dudes way smarter than your humble servant, the "silverfox", Devin " Devinator" Akin, Kevin @ CWNP, Rick and many more who were and still is devoted to pushing wi-fi. Stumbling through whitepapers and many times "manufacturer created " confusion was and still is, in my opinion, disingenuous to the many I've crossed paths with. Today I breathe a sigh of relief when I read about companies seeking alternative solutions to their wifi predicaments. The word simpli-fi resonates in my simple mind whenever I read. Much needed and just in time, are these "startup" companies. I am not singling out any particular manufacturer, but there comes a time when we must be adamant and state loudly "enough is enough". I listened with the enthusiasm of a child at the toy store when I heard one brilliant mind in wifi-dom state "just make it work". I couldn't agree more. At one point, the sophistication of configuring some of these wifi devices became a distraction and turn off to many a student. As an instructor one must go with the flow, but in my mind's eye I kept seeing a simpler way. After all, sophisticated configurations always lead to sophisticated misconfiguration. Simpli-fi! I cried silently. Not wanting to be perceived as an intellectual malcontent.
Troubling, I pondered. Are students going to be heading for the door? What can I do to encourage "stickwithitness" on this arduous journey to wifi-dom. It was rough, but together we endured. I feel a sense of achievement when I communicate with past students who went on to advance their careers because of the wifi bootcamps and their dedication.
Simpli-Fi! It's finally here. Startup companies have started up something. I read a lot of whitepapers and I am applauding the efforts made by Aerohive, Meru, Aruba, Ruckus and the many more reality-based manufacturers leading the way today. Like Devin Akin stated "make it work". I advise the progenitors of wi-fi to listen. These companies are echoing the view of the guy in the trenches. I make, on behalf of the student of wifi, an urgent supplication to the "Simpli-Fiers" to keep it coming. We are witnessing a change, we need this approach in the classroom, and in the trenches. I believe Twitter bottled the most explosive revelation of the decade. Information can be dispensed 140 characters at a time.
I'm gonna end by giving a huge shout out to my other wifi-natics out there. Press on. I have a dream that one day, techs and administrators,engineers and analysts would be judged, not by the length of their resume, not by the color of their Cat6, but by their God given ability to simpli-fi. Then we all will reach the pinnacle and scream to the world, "free at last, free at last, thank startup companies, we are free at last!'.


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